Monday 22 February 2021

CBSE Class 11 Political Science - MCQ and Online Tests - Unit 14 - Social Justice

CBSE Class 11 Political Science – MCQ and Online Tests – Unit 14 – Social Justice

Every year CBSE schools conducts Annual Assessment exams for 6,7,8,9,11th standards. These exams are very competitive to all the students. So our website provides online tests for all the 6,7,8,9,11th standard’s subjects. These tests are also very effective and useful for those who preparing for any competitive exams like Olympiad etc. It can boost their preparation level and confidence level by attempting these chapter wise online tests.

These online tests are based on latest CBSE syllabus. While attempting these our students can identify the weak lessons and continuously practice those lessons for attaining high marks. It also helps to revise the NCERT textbooks thoroughly.

CBSE Class 11 Political Science – MCQ and Online Tests – Unit 14 – Social Justice

Question 1.
Choose the ministry that is entrusted with the welfare, social justice, and empowerment of disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the society in India.
(a) Ministry of welfare
(b) Ministry of social justice and empowerment
(c) Ministry of social defense
(d) Ministry of Education


Answer: (b) Ministry of social justice and empowerment

Question 2.
Justice is essentially a:
(a) Legal concept
(b) Moral concept
(c) Social concept
(d) All of the above


Answer: (d) All of the above

Question 3.
Our political rights and participation are insured only when our
(a) Social needs are being taken care of
(b) Basic needs
(c) Cultural needs
(d) Security needs


Answer: (b) Basic needs

Question 4.
Which one of the following is not the fundamental postulate of Justice?
(a) Truth
(b) Equality before the law
(c) Freedom
(d) Property


Answer: (d) Property

Question 5.
The free market is a product of
(a) Socialism
(b) Feminism
(c) Neo-liberalism
(d) Patriarchy


Answer: (c) Neo-liberalism

Question 6.
The famous quote “In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.” is given by
(a) J.S.Mill
(b) Plato
(c) Aristotle
(d) Confucius


Answer: (d) Confucius

Question 7.
People get the proper justice in:
(a) Dictatorship
(b) Totalitarian state
(c) Monarchy
(d) Democracy


Answer: (d) Democracy

Question 8.
The state’s failure to provide individuals with basic necessities of life such as; food and housing is an example of
(a) Political Injustice
(b) Economic Injustice
(c) Social discrimination
(d) Gender inequality

Rights Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers

Question 1.
What is the force behind Legal Rights?
(a) Force of public opinion
(b) Force of morality
(c) Force of law
(d) Force of nature


Answer: (c) Force of law

Question 2.
A Bill of Rights is enshrined in the
(a) Preamble of the UNO
(b) Constitution of many countries
(c) Human rights of UNESCO
(d) Government documents of few countries


Answer: (b) Constitution of many countries

Question 3.
Human rights, traditionally are divided into
(a) Political and economic rights
(b) Political and social rights on one hand and cultural rights on the other
(c) Civil and political rights
(d) Civil and political rights on one hand and the right to development on the other


Answer: (c) Civil and political rights

Question 4.
The provision to abolish untouchability is reflected in the Indian constitution under
(a) Article 14
(b) Article 15
(c) Article 16
(d) Article 17


Answer: (d) Article 17

Question 5.
Who said, “Rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek to be himself at his best ?”
(a) Austin
(b) Wilde
(c) Green
(d) Laski


Answer: (d) Laski

Question 6.
In a state, it is also the duty of the citizens to
(a) Ensure sustainable development
(b) Protect the atmosphere
(c) Pollute air and water
(d) Live in peace


Answer: (a) Ensure sustainable development

Question 7.
Civil liberties and political rights form the basis of a
(a) Democratic government
(b) Monarchical rule
(c) Totalitarian government
(d) Dictator rule


Answer: (a) Democratic government

Question 8.
Right to the franchise is a
(a) Customary rights
(b) Political right
(c) Moral rights
(d) Cultural right


Answer: (b) Political right

Question 9.
The natural right that was not advocated by the political theorists of the 17th and 18th centuries was the right to
(a) Life
(b) Liberty
(c) Information
(d) Property


Answer: (c) Information

Question 10.
According to the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, human beings unlike other objects are:
(a) Useful
(b) Valuable
(c) Selfish
(d) Independent


Answer: (b) Valuable

Question 11.
The political right is the right to
(a) Shelter
(b) Sustainable development
(c) Livelihood
(d) Form political parties


Answer: (d) Form political parties

Question 12.
Natural Rights are those which are given to us by:
(a) Constitution
(b) Parliament
(c) God or Nature
(d) King


Answer: (c) God or Nature

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Answer: (b) Economic Injustice

Question 13.
The term ‘justice’ is derived from the word ‘Jus’ which is a word from:
(a) Latin language
(b) Greek language
(c) English language
(d) French language


Answer: (a) Latin language

Question 14.
Identify the stage of equality which rejects formal institutions of inequalities.
(a) Liberal Equality
(b) Natural Liberty
(c) Democratic Equality
(d) Economic Equality


Answer: (b) Natural Liberty



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