Sunday, 28 February 2021

CBSE Class 6 English - MCQ and Online Tests - A Pact with the Sun - Unit6 - The Monkey and the Crocodile

CBSE Class 6 English – MCQ and Online Tests – A Pact with the Sun – Unit 6 – The Monkey and the Crocodile

Every year CBSE students attend Annual Assessment exams for 6,7,8,9,11th standards. These exams are very competitive to all the students. So our website provides online tests for all the 6,7,8,9,11th standards’ subjects. These tests are also very effective and useful for those who preparing for any competitive exams like Olympiad etc. It can boost their preparation level and confidence level by attempting these chapter wise online tests.

These online tests are based on latest CBSE syllabus. While attempting these, our students can identify their weak lessons and continuously practice those lessons for attaining high marks. It also helps to revise the NCERT textbooks thoroughly

CBSE Class 6 English – MCQ and Online Tests – A Pact with the Sun – Unit 6 – The Monkey and the Crocodile

Question 1.
The crocodile shed on losing his friend
(a) many tears
(b) real tears
(c) false tears
(d) fake tears


Answer: (a)

Question 2.
The crocodile was unwilling to invite home
(a) the birds and animals
(b) the villagers nearby
(c) the monkey
(d) the monkeys


Answer: (a)

Question 3.
The wife was greedy as
(a) she wished to eat everything
(b) she demanded money
(c) she demanded sweet fruits
(d) she demanded to eat monkey’s heart


Answer: (a)

Question 4.
To betray a real friend
(a) is good
(b) is satisfying
(c) is fun
(d) is a sin


Answer: (a)

Question 5.
The monkey was fortunate to find
(a) a monkey companion
(b) a companion in the crocodile’s wife
(c) crocodile’s children
(d) a companion in the crocodile


Answer: (a)

Question 6.
On reaching the midstream, the crocodile announced
(a) I’ll kill you now
(b) I’ll roll myself in the water
(c) Take care ! You’ll be drowned
(d) I’ll not go any further


Answer: (a)

Question 7.
The crocodile was foolish as
(a) he told the monkey his secret
(b) he carried the monkey to the river bank
(c) he carried the monkey on his back
(d) he did not carry the monkey back.


Answer: (a)

Question 8.
The monkey enjoyed his life as
(a) he ate only fruits
(b) he ate fruits of his choice
(c) he ate all fruits
(d) he ate fruits to his heart’s fill


Answer: (a)

Question 9.
The phrase ‘heaved a deep sigh’ means
(a) felt released
(b) felt refreshed
(c) took out hot air
(d) took a deep cold breath


Answer: (a)

Short Answers Type Questions:

Question 1.
What does the last sentence of the story suggest ? What would the crocodile tell his wife ?


The last sentence of the story suggests that the crocodile had learnt a lesson. He realized that he had lost a good friend because of his wife’s stupid desire. So it seems that the crocodile would rebuke his wife for her greed.

Question 2.
What did the two Mends generally talk about ?


The monkey and the crocodile were fast friends. They generally talked about birds and animals and villagers nearby. They also talked about their difficulties in raising crops when rain failed.

Question 3.
How was the monkey’s life on the tree ?


The monkey’s life on the tree was happy but lonely. Although he had enough to eat, he had no one to talk to. He needed a companion.

Question 4.
How did the monkey save himself ?


The monkey told a lie that he did not carry his heart. It was still there in the tree. He asked the crocodile to carry him back on his back. He would bring his heart then. The foolish crocodile carried him to the river bank. The monkey jumped on the tree and saved himself.

Question 5.
Why was the crocodile’s wife annoyed with her husband one day ?


One day, the crocodile was held up longer than usual. The crocodile’s wife kept waiting for his return. The baby crocodiles troubled her. Therefore, she got annoyed with him.

Question 6.
The monkey was happy living in the fruit tree, but his happiness was not complete. What did he miss ?


The monkey was happy living alone in the fruit tree. He ate the fruit of his choice to his fill. However, his happiness was not complete. There was no one around, not even another monkey to talk to. Therefore, he missed a companion.

Question 7.
Why was the crocodile unwilling to invite his Mend home ?


The crocodile’s wife desired to eat the monkey or his heart. She ordered him to bring the monkey. He could not betray his friend. Therefore, he was unwilling to invite his friend (the monkey) home

Question 8.
What did the crocodile do with the fruit which the monkey gave him ?


The crocodile ate the fruit himself. Then he carried some fruit for his wife too.

Question 9.
What did the crocodile tell the monkey midstream ?


The crocodile carried the monkey on his back and reached the midstream. There he said to the monkey, “I’ve brought you here to kill you. My wife cannot survive without eating your heart.”

Question 10.
In the beginning the crocodile did not want to do what his wife wanted. Why ?


Crocodile’s wife wanted him to betray his friend. She wanted to eat the monkey’s heart. Crocodile did not want to do so. He loved his friend. Besides he considered it a sin to betray a friend.



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