Monday, 22 February 2021

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy - MCQ and Online Tests - Unit 14 - Structuring Database for Accounting

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy – MCQ and Online Tests – Unit 14 – Structuring Database for Accounting

Every year CBSE schools conducts Annual Assessment exams for 6,7,8,9,11th standards. These exams are very competitive to all the students. So our website provides online tests for all the 6,7,8,9,11th standard’s subjects. These tests are also very effective and useful for those who preparing for any competitive exams like Olympiad etc. It can boost their preparation level and confidence level by attempting these chapter wise online tests.

These online tests are based on latest CBSE syllabus. While attempting these our students can identify the weak lessons and continuously practice those lessons for attaining high marks. It also helps to revise the NCERT textbooks thoroughly.


CBSE Class 11 Accountancy – MCQ and Online Tests – Unit 14 – Structuring Database for Accounting

Question 1.
Does all the relation have one default super key, which is the unification of all its attributes? Is it true or false?


Answer: True

Question 2.
Define Data Processing Cycle.


Answer: Data processing cycle is a process of transforming the data into useful information for making an important decision.

Question 3.
What are the steps required in Data Processing Cycle?


Answer: The steps required in Data Processing Cycle are.
1. Sources of document
2. Input of data
3. Data Storage
4. Manipulation of Data
5. Output of Data

Question 4.
What are the elements required for conceptualising data model?


Answer: The elements required for conceptualising data mode are.
1. Reality
2. ER Design
3. Relational Data Model
4. Normalisation
5. Refinement

Question 5.
State three concept of structuring database for accounting.


Answer: The three concepts of structuring database for accounting are.
1. Documentation of Transaction
2. Computerised Accounting
3. Accounting Database



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