Monday, 22 February 2021

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy - MCQ and Online Tests - Unit 8 - Bills of Exchange

CBSE Class 11 Accountancy – MCQ and Online Tests – Unit 8 – Bills of Exchange

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CBSE Class 11 Accountancy – MCQ and Online Tests – Unit 8 – Bills of Exchange

Question 1.
Person to whom the bill is endorsed called ____
(a) Endorsement
(b) Endorser
(c) Endorsee
(d) None


Answer: (b) Endorser

Question 2.
What are the parties to a bill of exchange
(a) Drawee, Drawer, Payee
(b) Drawee, Drawer, Debtor
(c) Payer, Drawee, Drawer
(d) Drawee, Drawer, Creditor


Answer: (a) Drawee, Drawer, Payee

Question 3.
Which bill is not allowed 3 days of grace
(a) Bill at the time of due date
(b) Bill at sight
(c) Bill after due date
(d) Bill before due date


Answer: (b) Bill at sight

Question 4.
On whom the trade bill drawn
(a) Seller
(b) Creditor
(c) Debtor
(d) Owner


Answer: (c) Debtor

Question 5.
The party who is entitled to receive the cash of a bill receivable is called
(a) Drawer
(b) Drawee
(c) Capitalist
(d) Bank


Answer: (a) Drawer

Question 6.
Discounting Charges =
(a) Amount of Bill Discounted × Rate × Unexpired Period
(b) Amount of Bill Discounted × Rate / Unexpired Period
(c) Amount of Bill Discounted × Rate + Unexpired Period
(d) Amount of Bill Discounted + Rate × Unexpired Period


Answer: (d) Amount of Bill Discounted + Rate × Unexpired Period

Question 7.
According to Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881, which of the following refers to “an instrument in writing (not being a bank note or a currency note) containing unconditional undertaking, signed by the maker to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a certain sum of money only to or to the order of a certain person, or to the bearer of the instrument”?
(a) Promissory note
(b) Bearer debentures
(c) Cheque
(d) Bill of exchange


Answer: (d) Bill of exchange

Question 8.
If the due date is public holiday what will be the due date of the bill
(a) Preceding day
(b) Following day
(c) The same day
(d) After two days


Answer: (a) Preceding day

Question 9.
Fee paid in cash to Notary Public is charged by
(a) Holder of bill of exchange
(b) Drawee
(c) Drawer
(d) None


Answer: (a) Holder of bill of exchange

Question 10.
Kamal draws a bill on Sahil for Rs.3000. Kamal endorsed it to Rohan. Rohan endorsed it to Rakesh. The payee of the bill will be
(a) Kamal
(b) Rakesh
(c) Sahil
(d) Rohan


Answer: (b) Rakesh

Question 11.
Noting charges are paid by the ___ but these are recordable from the ____
(a) Drawer, Drawer
(b) Drawer, Drawee
(c) Drawee, Drawer
(d) Drawee, Drawee


Answer: (c) Drawee, Drawer

Question 12.
Encashing the bill before the date of its maturity is called :
(a) Dishonour of Bill
(b) Retirement of Bill
(c) Discounting of Bill
(d) Endorsement of Bill


Answer: (c) Discounting of Bill
When we encash a bill before it’s maturity, it’s generally discounted with bank, bank charges some discounting charges and thus the process is known as discounting of bill.

Question 13.
A bill of exchange renewed generally at the request of
(a) Drawee
(b) Bank
(c) Drawer
(d) None


Answer: (a) Drawee
When drawer want their money and drawee is not in the position to pay his money, then he wants some time to pay his money and so he requests to make a new bill to drawer.

Question 14.
A bill of exchange can not be
(a) Endorsed
(b) Accepted
(c) Refused
(d) Crossed


Answer: (c) Refused
A bill of exchange is a document used in transactions that orders the payer to pay a certain amount of money to the payee. It is a guarantee of payment on demand or on a specified date, and it cannot be refused or cancelled, like a check.

Question 15.
The purpose of accommodation bill is :
(a) To finance actual purchase
(b) When both parties are in need of funds
(c) To facilitate trade transmission
(d) None


Answer: (b) When both parties are in need of funds

Question 16.
It is a period of time after which a bill becomes payable?
(a) Grace days
(b) Maturity
(c) Usance
(d) Tenor


Answer: (d) Tenor

Question 17.
If the drawer is in need of money and cannot wait till due date and receive the money form bank is called?
(a) Endorsement of bill
(b) Discounting of bill
(c) Retirement of bill
(d) Dishonor of bill


Answer: (b) Discounting of bill

Question 18.
In case if endorsement of bill the endorser debits?
(a) Creditor account
(b) Cash account
(c) Bill receivable account
(d) Bill payable account


Answer: (a) Creditor account

Question 19.
Which of the following is not true?
(a) There is no difference in appearance between trade and accommodation bill
(b) A bill of exchange must be accepted
(c) Drawee is maker of a bill
(d) Accommodation bill is for an imaginary transaction


Answer: (c) Drawee is maker of a bill

Question 20.
When an acceptor refuses to pay the amount of bill to the holder of bill on its maturity is called?
(a) Honored bill
(b) Dishonored bill
(c) Retired bill
(d) Endorsed bill


Answer: (b) Dishonored bill

Question 21.
A bill of exchange is an?
(a) A promise
(b) Unconditional order
(c) A request
(d) A order


Answer: (b) Unconditional order

Question 22.
A person who writes out the order to pay is called?
(a) Drawer
(b) Acceptor
(c) Payee
(d) Drawee


Answer: (a) Drawer

Question 23.
When a drawer discounts the bill, he gets?
(a) More than face value
(b) Less than face value
(c) Equal to face value
(d) None of above


Answer: (b) Less than face value

Question 24.
In case of term bill extra three days are given to acceptor are called?
(a) Days of bill payable
(b) Days if bill receivable
(c) Days of grace
(d) Days of tenor


Answer: (c) Days of grace

Question 25.
How many parties are involved in case of discounting of bill?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Unlimited


Answer: (a) Two

Question 26.
Bill of Exchange has parties :
(a) 6
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4


Answer: (c) 3
A bill of exchange consist of three parties namely:
(i) Drawer
(ii) Drawee
(iii) Payee.

Question 27.
The party which is ordered to pay the amount of bill of exchange is called :
(a) Drawee
(b) Payee
(c) Drawer
(d) None of these


Answer: (a) Drawee
The party upon whom the bill is drawn is called the drawee. He is the person to whom the bill is addressed and who is ordered to pay. He becomes an acceptor when he indicates his willingness to pay the bill.

Question 28.
The party which is entitled to receive the payment of bill of exchange is known as :
(a) Drawer
(b) Payee
(c) Drawee
(d) None of these


Answer: (b) Payee
A person to whom money is paid or is to be paid, especially the person to whom a cheque is made payable. A payee is a party in an exchange who receives payment. The payee is paid by cash, check, or another transfer medium by a payer.

The drawee is the party that pays the sum specified by the bill of exchange. The drawer is the party that obliges the drawee to pay the payee. The drawer and the payee are the same entity unless the drawer transfers the bill of exchange to a third-party payee.
So, payee is the correct option.

Question 29.
Due date of a bill of exchange drawn on 30th January, 2011 for one month will be :
(a) 5 Mar
(b) 3 Mar
(c) 29 Feb
(d) 4 Mar


Answer: (b) 3 Mar
Due date of a bill is only after the given period (in this case one month ) plus three days of grace . So the bill will be paid only after 1 month and 3 days i.e. on 3rd march.

Question 30.
The promissory note should be signed by
(a) Payee
(b) Drawee
(c) Drawer
(d) Promiser


Answer: (d) Promiser
Promissory Notes: A negotiable instrument is a document in writing. It is signed by a certain person who promises to pay another person a fixed sum of money on a fixed date.

Question 31.
On dishonor of a discounted bill who does the bank look for payment?
(a) Drawer
(b) Payee
(c) Endorser
(d) None


Answer: (a) Drawer
Drawer (the person who had received B/R) because he had discounted the bill from the bank and now he’s liable for it’s dishonour. But later he can claim this amount from drawee.

Question 32.
While calculating the due date of the bill, how many days are added to the period of the bill :
(a) 4 days
(b) 3 days
(c) 5 days
(d) Neither of these


Answer: (b) 3 days
3 days of grace are added to the period of bill while calculating the due date of the bill.

Question 33.
On dishonor of a discounted bill whom does the bank look for payment
(a) Drawer
(b) Drawee
(c) Endorser
(d) Payee


Answer: (a) Drawer

Question 34.
The act for signing by the drawer on the book of the instruments for the purpose of transfer
(a) Acceptance of bill
(b) Cheque
(c) Endorsement
(d) Bill


Answer: (c) Endorsement

Question 35.
Which balance is shown by a B/R Book
(a) Credit
(b) None
(c) Both
(d) Debit


Answer: (d) Debit



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